Disclaimer : Welcome to FerryLiu's first blog, enjoy and keep smile :) The blog contain Indonesian and English version. Your Guidances and Comments are needed. If there is any mistakes on writing,kindly inform the author. -Author-

LuvLiu by FerryLiu

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Tuesday, 24 June 2008

PreView Pic

Sebelum Donlod, liat dulu nih preview dari wallpaper yang ciamik abis...
ngak bakal nyesel deh donlodnya...

wallpaper nya keren2 kok..
klik di Donlod Area ato di bawah sini juga ada kok..

- WallPaper 1 -
- WallPaper 2 -
- WallPaper 3 -
- WallPaper 4 -
- WallPaper 5 -
- WallPaper 6 -


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